Corum Group plant tests 5G telemetry for the first time in Ukraine
Vodafone Ukraine, Ericsson and DTEK Energy have taken another step towards the enterprise digitalisation. The companies conducted successful tests of 5G telemetry at "Corum Svet Shakhtera" (DTEK Energy), the Kharkiv-based engineering plant. A Quectel 5G modem installed on the shearer was connected to Ericsson's private 5G network. The technology makes it possible to collect real-time data on the equipment status, transmitting it to the company server. Telemetry testing is one stage in the implementation of Ukraine's first Smart Factory 5G pilot project.
The technology works within the private 5G network deployed in the factory by Vodafone and Ericsson. It allows to quickly transmit large volumes of data on the shearer operations without using cables. A private 5G network ensures local processing of the information on the company grounds; thus, the data is protected and remains inaccessible to external parties.
5G telemetry was tested in the factory's assembly hall. Tests have confirmed that such technology can be used underground. In the future, the shearer, designed for mining coal in difficult mining and geological conditions, can be connected to the 5G network in the mine. Data from the shearer will be available for viewing remotely from a smartphone or other gadget.
Currently, around 300 technical indicators are being transmitted from the shearer to the server via cables. When moving the machinery, there is always a risk of damaging the cables. 5G wireless technology will significantly improve data continuity, shearer reliability and miners' safety, and help to respond instantly in the event of any emergencies.
Recall that at the end of last year, the company successfully tested the electric vehicle with the 5G network-based remote vehicle control solution.
Together with DTEK Energy, Ericsson and Corum Group, Vodafone Ukraine announced the launch of Ukraine's first Smart Factory 5G project this summer. The project has deployed a private 5G communications network at the plant, integrating mobile devices, production equipment, control devices and remote and automated control systems. The project involves specialists from the Corum Group and DTEK's MODUS digital transformation programme.
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