In order to maintain Ukrainian mines reliable operation, Corum machine builders (DTEK Energo) produced first two large equipment this year and 70 thousand spare parts

In order to maintain the reliability of Ukrainian coal production, Corum machine-building enterprises produced first two large equipment this year. The CEO of DTEK Energo Ildar Saleev told about this on his Facebook page.
"There are few things that can inspire manufacturer on a machine-building plant, during this turbulent time, more than the roar of newly released equipment. And when there are two of them, roadheader and shearer, and these are the first this year, the pleasure is doubled. But the main thing is not even that our machine builders produced two equipment units at the same time. And not that it is a technological, high-quality and reliable technique that helps miners extract coal more efficiently," said Saleev.
According to his words, the key thing is that in the difficult war conditions, plant workers do not lose momentum and continue to contribute to the common goal. To support miners and energy workers who, in the midst of this heating season, are doing everything possible to ensure that Ukrainians have light and heat. Help launch new longwalls and lay a solid foundation for next heating season.
"After all, this year the task of the miners remains the same - despite the war, to maintain coal production at the maximum and sufficient level," said the CEO of DTEK Energo.
He also informed that in addition to roadheader and shearer, as result of January this year, company's machine builders manufactured and repaired 90 units of mining equipment, as well as produced 67,000 spare parts and components.
"Further will be more", Saleyev assured.